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March 21, 2023
When either of us shares with someone for the first time that we homeschool our children, a mixed response tends to follow. They can appreciate the idea of homeschooling, but they could never imagine doing...
March 12, 2023
For the most part, we have a one size fits all school system that is more convenient for adults than for its students. Teachers are asked to ensure that all the children meet a specific benchmark of learning...
March 6, 2023
What do you imagine when you envision a homeschooled child? I must admit that if you asked me that question 5 years ago I would say that I pictured a feral cat of primary school age. A child who was utterly...
March 1, 2023
The decision to homeschool our children was the culmination of weeks of discussion, research, and soul-searching. In the end, what was once an unfathomable path was now the most rational one. When we both...
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